Thursday 15 August 2013

This is the second time I have done a “Travel Blog” – last year I discovered it was a good way of keeping a travel diary for myself and for friends and family so they could see what I had been up to.

I had never been a ‘blogger’ before and I must admit at first, I found it quite stressful to do. But after my first few blogs I really enjoyed keeping the blog updated, hence me doing it all again.

The Bellarine Peninsula - not far from home
This year I am heading back to Europe, I am going to some new destinations and to a couple of places I have been to before. After Europe I am off to the UK and Ireland.

While I enjoy travelling I do miss home, but this year I will not miss the cold & wet winter we have been experiencing this winter. Needless to say I am looking forward to some lovely autumn weather!

First stop Zurich, Switzerland.


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